We Are…
We are visionary strategic advisors and thought leaders.
Co-creators of deeply desirable 21st Century futures.
Canada’s most widely-experienced practitioners of strategic foresight 2.0.
The developers of the next generation of strategic foresight – strategic foresight 2.0.
Reliable guides who enable you to explore, make reliable sense of and respond strategically to the turmoil of change.
A unique research-based group with a sound grasp of the evolution we are now in – from a Modern/Techno-industrial economy and society into a truly new and co-creative form of civilization.
A group with a global reputation and over 200 years of experience as futures researchers.
We enable those with whom we work to explore, make reliable sense of and respond strategically to the turmoil of change. We enable you to see beyond the problems of the present to futures that are truly aligned with the emerging requirements of the 21st Century; to persons, families, organizations and whole societies that are wise, responsible, enterprising, prosperous, sustainable, secure, inclusive and deeply humane.
We are a unique futures research-based group with a sound grasp of the evolution of our modern Industrial economy and society into a truly post-Industrial, co-creative civilization.
With our world-wide network of Fellows, colleagues and organizations, we are earning a reputation as pioneers of the next generation of futures research and strategic foresight.
We envision a world openly committed to transcending our Modern Techno-industrial identity as we nurture the next form of human civilization into being.
By modeling courageous leadership for transforming change, we enable those with whom we work to see and respond to the threats and opportunities of unfamiliar futures – futures that, if unseen and unanticipated, will blind-side and run over them.
Strategic Foresight 2.0
Strategic Foresight 2.0 provides a coherent context for your Strategic Planning just as your Strategic Planning provides a coherent context for your Operational Planning.
Strategic Foresight 2.0 enables you to make and live by wise strategic commitments in the present – commitments that are sound and context-sensitive enough to survive context change and actually contribute to the co-creation of a more deeply desirable future. For more, visit: http://foresightcanada.com/resources/strategic-foresight/
Why Work with Us?
- We are Canada’s most widely experienced coaches, teachers and practitioners of futures research and strategic foresight 2.0.
- You will learn more about seeing, thinking through and shaping your most deeply desired future by working with us than you will with others.
- We are research-based.
- We understand that serious engagement is necessary for deep learning; that deep learning is required to make lasting differences.
- You will learn deeply enough to make lasting differences.
- We are a group to whom other foresight professionals turn to for advice.
- We are intellectually reliable, psychologically safe, personally challenging and globally connected.
- We bring a Canadian sensibility to strategic foresight and the work of consciously co-creating deeply desirable futures
If you care about these things, you will want to talk with us.
We draw from suite of 50 futures and foresight methods. We have developed Causal Layered Synthesis and Strategic Background Conditions, two of the new methods that define the new generation of strategic foresight. We use them in participatory ways to stretch your imagination, heart and mind. The new perspectives you develop and digest will enable you to envision, think through and co-create a more deeply satisfying future that is truly fit for the 21st Century.
We warn you – strategic foresight is challenging work. But then, surviving in a time of cultural crisis, confusion and transformation has never been easy. If this challenge appeals to you, you will want to talk with us.
Our Clients
We work with organizations of all sizes and in every sector of society and the economy. We are equally comfortable in Boardrooms, C Suites, classrooms and church basements.
Our clients have three common characteristics.
First, they are more openly worried about the future of their world, their communities, their industry and their organization than is common. With us, it is OK to feel, express and act on your deepest concerns..
Second, they are willing to explore their responsibility for our common future. They do not hide behind the legal limits of their organization.
Third, they are hungry to learn and to develop a learning culture.
We have three divisions.
- Services: As practitioners, we are a full-service strategic foresight organization; a new constellation of Canada’s most able futures researchers and strategic foresight professionals. We teach, coach, nurture and encourage strategic foresight and its embodiment in both institutions and persons. We also design and manage a wide range of strategic, futures-oriented projects. We are a group to whom other foresight professionals turn to for advice.
- Network: As colleagues, we are servant leaders of the Canadian and global futures and foresight community. Foresight professionals and users of foresight in Canada are knit together in a Canadian foresight network. To increase the quality of foresight work in Canada, we offer public and in-house foresight training workshops and an occasional International Conference on Strategic Foresight.
- Research: As futures researchers, we offer a wide variety of skills. Because it is the background to every possible future, our major focus is on long-term cultural and civilizational change, evolution and transformation. We are recognized globally as thought leaders in this crucial work. As such, we seek to develop reliable understandings of the many dimensions, drivers, dynamics, depths and implications of long-term societal and global shifts of our time. Our development of the next generation of strategic foresight methods – strategic foresight 2.0. – is driven by our deep desire to make reliable sense of our past, our present and the full range of our possible futures.
Ruben Nelson, Executive Director, Lac Des Arcs, Alberta.
rubennelson@shaw.ca +1-403-673-3537
David Harries, Associate Executive Director, Kingston, Ontario.
jdsharries@bell.net +1-613-545-0363
Brian Woodward, Associate Executive Director, Calgary, Alberta.
Brian.woodward@shaw.ca +1-403-777-0871
We are privileged to have some truly remarkable professionals as Foresight Canada Fellows.
- Bob Horn, Senior Researcher, Stanford University, Fellow, World Academy of Art and Science, President, MacroVU, San Francisco, California, USA.
- Marc Luyckx Ghisi, Fellow, World Academy Art and Science, Brussels, Belgium
- Sharon Matthias, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- Maureen O’Hara, President, IFF USA, Fellow, World Academy of Art and Science, San Diego, California, USA.
Legal Matters
- Foresight Canada’s head office: Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
- Founded 2002. Incorporated 2006, as a Not-for-Profit Canadian corporation.
- Industry Canada # 438905-1. CRA GST # 82753 5923 RT0001.
- Click Foresight Canada — Profile for a one page Company Profile in PDF format.
- For charitable purposes we work with the Transformation Research Network (TRN) – a registered Canadian Charity. TRN issues receipts for Canadian tax purposes for donations made to support our research project and educational efforts.
- TRN’s head office: Calgary, Alberta Canada
- Founded January 1, 1982
- Industry Canada # 125472-3. CRA Registration # 119268480 RR0001
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