Vision 2050: the new agenda for business
During the Vision 2050 Project of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), 29 WBCSD member companies developed a vision of a world well on the way to sustainability by 2050, and a pathway leading to that world – a pathway that will require fundamental changes in governance structures, economic frameworks, business and human behaviour. It emerged that these changes are necessary, feasible and offer tremendous business opportunities for companies that turn sustainability into strategy.
The project addresses three questions: What does a sustainable world look like? How can we realize it? What are the roles business can play in ensuring more rapid progress toward that world? Vision 2050 is the result of a collaborative effort. The Vision 2050 work provides a basis for interaction with other enterprises, civil society and governments about how a sustainable future can be realized. We hope to challenge companies to rethink their products, services and strategies, envisioning new opportunities that put sustainability at the center, to communicate with and motivate employees and their boards, and to develop leadership positions in the wider world. We invite governments to consider the policies and regulations needed to guide and organize society and give markets incentives to move toward sustainability, and invite persons to make a difference in their daily lives.
A platform for dialogue – not a blueprint
This work does not offer a prescriptive plan or blueprint but provides a platform for dialogue, for asking questions. Its highest value may be in our narrative of the gap between Vision 2050 and a business-as-usual world, and the queries and dilemmas it raises. For business and others, the biggest unanswered questions are “How do we get there?” “What form of governance will make the changes needed happen at the speed and scale required?” On these issues, we indicate our willingness, support and leadership, and invite all stakeholders – business, government and civil society – to join the exploration and effort.
How can the vision 2050 pathway info-mural be used?
These visual displays can be powerful tools for thinking about sustainable futures. Each group will use them for their own specific purposes. We describe and illustrate four such example uses below
- Murals provide opportunities to learn and to integrate learnings.
- Context for more detailed strategic discussions.
- Aligning the organization with evolving strategic environments.
- Murals in the hallway leading to the CEO’s office.
BENEFITS of Information Murals
Purchase the Vision 2050 set
Each order includes:
- A 33” square Vision 2050 Poster that sets out the features of a sustainable world.
- A 4’ by 14’ Pathways to 2050 Mural that sets out 10 dimensions of the work to be done over the next four decades. It includes 40 must haves – milestones that must be achieved.
Price: (in Canadian dollars)
- 1 set: $595.00 per set, plus GST (if applicable), plus shipping*.
- 2-10 sets: $495.00 per set, plus GST (if applicable), plus shipping*.
- 11 to 100 sets**: $395.00 per set, plus GST (if applicable), plus shipping*.
To order:
Phone, Email or Fax your order to Foresight Canada (details below). We need the complete address of the destination of the set(s). Please specify either (a) laminated paper or (b) vinyl.
We accept Visa, MC, Amex, cheques, bank drafts and wire transfers.
- You will be charged the actual shipping costs. We will send you an estimate.
- Please inquire for the price of orders greater than 100 sets.
Please inquire about reduced rates for charities.
Contact Foresight Canada
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